通过字符串映射或修改程序运行时的状态、属性、方法, 有以下4个方法
1、getattr(object, name[, default]) -> value
Get a named attribute from an object; getattr(x, 'y') is equivalent to x.y. When a default argument is given, it is returned when the attribute doesn't exist; without it, an exception is raised in that case.
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self): print("%s is eating......" %self.name)d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行print(hasattr(d,choice)) 运行如下: >>:talk False >>:eat True
2、getattr(object, name[, default]) -> value Get a named attribute from an object; getattr(x, 'y') is equivalent to x.y. When a default argument is given, it is returned when the attribute doesn't exist; without it, an exception is raised in that case.
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self): print("%s is eating......" %self.name)d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行print(getattr(d,choice)) 运行结果如下: >>:tall Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/zhuzhu/第七天/get_attr.py", line 11, inprint(getattr(d,choice)) AttributeError: 'Dog' object has no attribute 'tall' >>:eat >
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self): print("%s is eating......" %self.name)d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行getattr(d,choice)() 运行结果如下: >>:eat alex is eating......
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self): print("%s is eating......" %self.name)d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行if hasattr(d,choice): '''这种场景在很多情况下都使用,比如让用户输入某个功能,如果存在执行,不存在则告诉用户没有这个功能''' getattr(d,choice)()else: print("您输入的方法不存在,请核对后重新输入:") 运行结果如下: >>:eat #存在执行方法 alex is eating...... >>:tall #不存在,提示方法没有 您输入的方法不存在,请核对后重新输入
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self,food): print("%s is eating......%s" %(self.name,food))d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行if hasattr(d,choice): '''这种场景在很多情况下都使用,比如让用户输入某个功能,如果存在执行,不存在则告诉用户没有这个功能''' func = getattr(d,choice) func("chenronghua") #getattr(d,choice)("chenronghua")else: print("您输入的方法不存在,请核对后重新输入:") 运行结果如下: >>:eat alex is eating......chenronghua
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self,food): print("%s is eating......%s" %(self.name,food))d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行if hasattr(d,choice): '''这种场景在很多情况下都使用,比如让用户输入某个功能,如果存在执行,不存在则告诉用户没有这个功能''' func = getattr(d,choice) print(func) # func("chenronghua") #getattr(d,choice)("chenronghua")else: print("您输入的方法不存在,请核对后重新输入:") 运行结果如下: >>:name alex
3.setattr(obj, name, value, /) Sets the named attribute on the given object to the specified value. setattr(x, 'y', v) is equivalent to ``x.y = v'' 添加动态属性:
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self,food): print("%s is eating......%s" %(self.name,food))def talk(self): print("%s is talking....." %self.name)def laugh(self): print("%s is laughing....." %self)d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行if hasattr(d,choice): '''这种场景在很多情况下都使用,比如让用户输入某个功能,如果存在执行,不存在则告诉用户没有这个功能''' func = getattr(d,choice) print(func) # func("chenronghua") #getattr(d,choice)("chenronghua")else: #setattr(d,choice,laugh) #动态添加一个属性 setattr(d,"alex","sb") #动态加入一个属性 print(getattr(d,"alex")) 运行结果如下: >>:alex sb
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self,food): print("%s is eating......%s" %(self.name,food))def talk(name): print("%s is talking....." %name)def laugh(self): print("%s is laughing....." %self)d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行if hasattr(d,choice): '''这种场景在很多情况下都使用,比如让用户输入某个功能,如果存在执行,不存在则告诉用户没有这个功能''' func = getattr(d,choice) print(func) # func("chenronghua") #getattr(d,choice)("chenronghua")else: setattr(d,choice,laugh) #动态添加一个属性 #setattr(d,"alex","sb") #动态加入一个属性 print(getattr(d,choice)("alex"))
4.delattr(obj, name, /) Deletes the named attribute from the given object. delattr(x, 'y') is equivalent to ``del x.y''
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self,food): print("%s is eating......%s" %(self.name,food))def talk(name): print("%s is talking....." %name)def laugh(self): print("%s is laughing....." %self)d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行if hasattr(d,choice): '''这种场景在很多情况下都使用,比如让用户输入某个功能,如果存在执行,不存在则告诉用户没有这个功能''' func = getattr(d,choice) print(func) # func("chenronghua") #getattr(d,choice)("chenronghua")else: setattr(d,choice,laugh) #动态添加一个属性 #setattr(d,"alex","sb") #动态加入一个属性 getattr(d,choice)("alex") delattr(d,choice) #删除属性或者方法 getattr(d, choice)("alex")
setattr(obj,name_str,z)等价于obj.name_str = z
class Dog(object): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name def eat(self,food): print("%s is eating......%s" %(self.name,food))def talk(name): print("%s is talking....." %name)def laugh(self): print("%s is laughing....." %self)d = Dog("alex")choice = input(">>:").strip() #用户输入函数,判断函数是否存在,存在执行,反射来判断执行set_what = input("把那个变量赋值给属性:").strip()if hasattr(d,choice): getattr(d,choice)else: setattr(d,choice,laugh) v = getattr(d,choice) if type(v) == str: print(v) else: print(v("alex")) 运行结果如下: >>:alex 把那个变量赋值给属性:sb alex is laughing..... None